
What is Depression?

Depression is neither ubiquitous nor easily understandable to everyone, but it nonetheless affects a significant number of people in profound ways. The terms depression or depressed can refer to mundane, momentary, negative reactions from our experiences of particular stressors or disappointments. Some experiences of depression are an inevitable part of being human; living in a complex world full of unavoidable challenges, events and setbacks. To most people, these experiences are unpleasant but understandable and manageable. Depression can also refer to more elaborate, complex manifestations of these problems which persist for a long time, seemingly lack connection to their environment, do not improve with mood repair techniques and/or impact our ability to function in relationship with ourselves, others and at work. When a patient’s depressive symptoms meet the criteria outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), it is referred to as Major Depressive Disorder (MDD).

How do Therapists Diagnose Depression?

In order to be diagnosed with MDD, patients must present a minimum of 5 of the 9 symptoms outlined in the DSM-5; a depressed mood or a loss of interest or pleasure must present as one of the five symptoms. The other symptoms can be alteration in sleep (hypersomnia or insomnia), feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt, fatigue or loss of energy, diminished ability to think or concentrate or indecisiveness, significant change in weight or appetite, psychomotor agitation or retardation that is observable by others, and recurrent thoughts of death or suicidal ideation. The other criteria include the following: the condition must cause clinically significant distress or impairment, it cannot be attributed to substance use or another medical condition, it cannot be better explained by another mental health condition, and the patient must never have had a manic or hypomanic episode.

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Who is Affected by Depression?

The paradox of depression is something unique to this disorder; it is an issue that sheds light on a stark contrast between a depressed person’s image of oneself and the objective facts. A wealthy woman moans that she doesn’t have the financial resources to feed her children. A famous movie star pays huge money for plastic surgery because of the underlying belief that she is ugly. An acclaimed physicist torments herself for “being stupid.” Despite the objective evidence or logic, one is often unable to discern the truth when under the fog of depression. It is recognized as a very real and debilitating issue by everyone in the field of mental health. According to some psychotherapists, depression has led the way to more human suffering than any other single disease affecting humankind. The only disorder that sees more patients admitted to mental hospitals in the United States is Schizophrenia. According to the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), the probability of developing a major depressive disorder during one’s lifetime is 5-12% for males and 10-25% for females. The gender differences typically begin at puberty and continue throughout one’s life. According to the statistics released by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2017, depression has affected more than 300 million people around the world, which means that 4.4% of the world's population is suffering from this disorder.

How Therapy for Depression in Surrey Can Help

Recent research has indicated that various types of psychotherapy - particularly Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) - is at least as effective as medication in the short run and more enduring in the long run when it comes to the treatment of depression. The reason may be rooted in our deep evolutionary past. Scholars suggest that depression may be nature’s mechanism to help one focus attention on a problem that might cause him/her to fall out of step with family, friends, clan or the larger society - an outcast status that in the times of our ancient ancestors, would have resulted in a tragic fate. Depression may come about as a mood state that makes us think long and hard about behaviours or issues in our lives that are socially problematic.

Considering this explanation, therapies such as CBT have proven to effectively treat the underlying causes of depression. When therapy and medication are combined together, the results are often effective and noticeable. CBT is a widely used psychological treatment for various mental disorders, including major depressive disorder that works by targeting dysfunctional beliefs or cognitions believed to contribute to mood disturbances. Additionally, Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR) is another therapy which has been proven effective in the treatment of depression, particularly in cases where the depression stems from PTSD. Most patients diagnosed with MDD report having had adverse childhood experiences and EMDR can help alleviate the imprint left on the brain from traumatic childhood experiences thereby reducing symptoms in patients suffering from major depressive disorder. 

If you or someone you know is suffering from depression, CBT or EMDR may be effective treatment methods.

Benefits of Working with A Counsellor in Surrey who Specializes in Working with Depression

Therapy for depression in Surrey or online provides valuable benefits:

  1. Insight: Therapy helps individuals understand root causes and triggers of depression.

  2. Coping Skills: Techniques are learned to manage and alleviate depressive symptoms.

  3. Behavioural Changes: Maladaptive habits are identified and replaced with healthier ones.

  4. Thought Challenge: Negative thought patterns are challenged and reframed.

  5. Emotional Regulation: Skills are developed to manage intense emotions linked to depression.

  6. Progress Monitoring: Therapists track progress and adjust strategies as needed.

  7. Empowerment: Clients gain confidence to navigate their depression effectively.

  8. Long-Term Resilience: Acquired tools serve well beyond therapy sessions.

  9. Improved Functioning: Reduced depression enhances daily functioning and overall well-being.

Therapy offers tailored support and strategies to address the impact of depression on mental and emotional health, leading to improved coping and a more fulfilling life.

Arrange a Free Consult with a Depression Therapist in Surrey

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Fill out a new client form or book an appointment with us today and one of our onnline therapists or counsellors in Surrey can help you work through your depression.

Beck, A. T., & Alford, B. A. (2009). Depression : Causes and treatment. University of Pennsylvania Press.
Bridge Najera, D. (2015). Major depressive disorder: beyond the blues. Clinical Advisor, 18(6), 32–51.
Durbin, C. E. P. (2013). Depression 101. Springer Publishing Company.
Stix, G. (2021). Evolution Could Explain Why Psychotherapy May Work for Depression. Scientific American Mind, 32(3), 16–19.